My Partner is Delight

My Partner is Delight
Heading into the great unknown

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Star Enjoys Some Shavings

The horses are in the small (sandy) paddocks in order to escape the muddy mess in the pasture. Lately I have noticed that Star has been sleeping in the "poo" area, so I bought her some shavings. I figured that I could keep both her and the pen cleaner that way.

She really enjoyed them!

I would really like to figure out how to get black animals' eyes to show up in pictures. We have a black lab who doesn't have eyes in pictures half of the time. Poor Stanley and Star!

Tonite I went outside to check on everybody and sure enough, Starry was lying in the shavings with her Good Mama Delight standing guard over her.


Tuff e Nuff said...

Well she looks bigger when she's next to Delight but she still looks like a baby!

Char said...

You are right. She is taller than Delight but she is still a narrow leggy 2 year old. I can't wait to see what changes this year brings for her!