My Partner is Delight

My Partner is Delight
Heading into the great unknown

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Jan 4, 2011

I had a great ride today. I lent Delight to one of the boarders so that she could take her granddaughter on a trail ride. The granddaughter was riding her (the boarder's) horse named Cody. I planned to ride Tacki.

Due to some unforeseen circumstances I had to stay back and do a few things at the barn and they took off without me. I rode out on Tacki alone, riding in my new English saddle. I have only ridden her out alone one or two other times, and I can count on one hand the times I have ridden I have ridden in this saddle. English saddles are scary doncha know!

I headed down the road that I thought my friends had gone down and as soon as we were almost off the property Tacki started getting sticky feet. Instead of fighting with her I abandoned the idea catching up with my friends and turned around back to the farm. I didn't force the issue as I really wanted this to be a relaxing adventure for both of us. And, I knew my friends were at least a mile down the trail ahead of us. I didn't feel like hurrying to catch up with them.

Tacki on a ride this summer

Tacki and I went all over the property (It's 100 acres or so), but not up and down the hills as the ground is too hard and uneven. I love riding this little mare. Sometimes she was very worried but with the slightest encouragement from my legs or hands she gave it her best try. She's not 100% trusting of me yet and she scooted a couple of times. But I am so pleased with her try that instead of becoming uneasy it made me look forward to seeing how she does after a whole summer of riding her out. We will be going out lots more times as we get ready for the endurance season.

In the end, I am glad I rode out alone today because I have some wonderful quiet time to think about things other than my troubles. Sounds corny but the horses really are a balm for my soul. After Delight, Tacki is my favorite horse to ride right now. I am really looking forward to our summer of riding together.

Oh and I did just fine in the scary saddle. Maybe I will get my love of riding English back after all....


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