Yesterday I remembered how to fly. At my last riding lesson I cantered a little bit, but not much. My usual canter consists of about 100 yards or about one lap around the arena. By that time I am usually so tense that I start bouncing all out of sync with my horse and have to stop or I will come right off. A few years ago I had a wreck while I was cantering. As much as I know that the fear is all in my head, it is almost impossible for me to just relax and canter.
I made the mistake of telling my trainer that I wanted to get over this fear.
So yesterday she had me trotting. And trotting. And trotting. Over cavaletti, in figure eights, while leg yielding, around and across the arena I trotted. I tend to drop my head and shoulder in when I go around a curve, kinda like you do when you are riding a motorcycle. I have been really working on it, but when I am scared I do it without thinking. I must have been nervous because I could not keep my shoulder up. So I trotted some more.
“Do it again”, “And again”, “You dropped your shoulder”, “Watch your head, you’re tilting it in again”.
She must have gotten tired of reminding me.
Finally it was time.
“Okay, lets canter.”
So I cantered, and cantered…and cantered. I was so tense my shoulders started to ache, so I cantered some more. When I changed directions I had a flashback of my wreck, so… I cantered some more.
Finally my mind cleared and I started to relax.
“Slow her down Char.”
I didn’t even realize I was going fast.
Now, understand that Delight doesn’t have a “slow down”. I had to really concentrate on asking her to slow and keeping her going at the same time. No more room in my brain for fear… pick up the reins, squeeze with the legs, push her with your seat, don’t lean in around the corner…
Suddenly I was flying! I was free! No fear! My muscles were remembering what I taught them 25 years ago! How exhilarating!
Afterwards I gave Delight the full spa treatment. I brushed her mane, tail, everything. She did such a great job teaching me how to ride again. I love my Lil’ Red Sports Car!
I think my trainer earned her keep too.
Here is a picture of Delight and I riding into the horizon last summer. I agree with whoever it was that said, "The world looks best when framed by my horses ears."