I have been milking Mia for almost 3 months now and I have learned so many things from her. Almost every day has a lesson for me and I have witnessed several amazing events as I have sat in the same place at the same time everyday. I am beginning to think that everyone should sit in the same place morning and evening and just look around. But, more about that later.
So to begin I will show you my stand.
The clear vessel with the red rag inside is my milking bucket.
I sit here every morning and every evening at 9 o'clock. To the left is the small goat pen and to the right is the chicken coop. In the background you can see one of my brooder pens for the chicks and turkey. In the back corner are the grain bins containing various and sundry feeds for the many species of animals on our farm.
The orange cord brings power to the heat lamp for the smallest chicks. It's not in use right now as those chicks are grown and have a "date with destiny" soon.
In the foreground is my helper Amelia. She tests the goat milk every morning and evening for me. If the milk ain't right, it doesn't go into the house!