Chardoney's Day Yesterday
Chardoney's day yesterday: Had her breakfast in her quarantine stall. Went to the pasture for 30 whole minutes (2x her regular time - woo!), then into the big paddock which shares a fence line with the pasture.
Makes her very first friend (Tia) over the fenceline and they spend the whole day winking and peeing at each other (Regumate has worn off) eeew.
Walked up to the barn that evening and Char whinnies - her first acknowledgement that there are other horses here! (yay!)
Put her into her very own stall in the barn (out of quarantine now - yay!) and she commences to buck and snort and pace calling out for her new girlfriend Tia, who is racing up and down the one acre paddock snorting and whinnying.
Proceeds to flood her new stall. Buries her whole nose in the automatic waterer in order to pull out the plug - which is flush with the bottom. I put plug back in and watch. Walks straight over and pulls it out again. Evidently she has experience with this.
Different stall with no drain plug. More whinnying for new girlfriend.
So much ruckus that Tia gets to come in and spend the night in the barn for a sleepover. More, well if you have mares, you know. Two stalls are now flooded, this time with urine (eew).
I wonder "Could they dehydrate themselves this way?"
Appropriate screaming at each other about how h*rny they are before they settle down.
Yep, she is feeling more at home.
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