First entering the arena!!! My head is turned because i was looking for the judge, that is what the gate person I pointing at.
This is in the middle of the show. Spinner was being pretty good, only he kept on stopping in front of the grand stands because he wanted to say hi to the little kids that were right up to the fence.
This is at the end of the show. Spinner was doing fabulous.
This is the shot after the show. I may not look very enthusiastic, but i was soooooo tired, so was Spinner in that case. I was really jumping up and down mentally. I was also slightly surprised too. There was a girl next to me in line in front of the ring steward that also did very well (I don't know who she was), and I thought that I had gotten marked down for getting my reins mixed up when I was backing up. the girl next to me ended up getting 2nd.On my way to the Shadow Butte Both (about 20 minutes after my show), I heard my name being called from the announcer's both saying I needed to come get my award. Thinking that it was some kind of mistake, I went ahead and bought my Mt. Dew before I went to go clear things up. When I came under the announcers booth, the horse 4-H Super Intendant made me sign a "thank you" note and said that my award was coming (she didn't say what though). Kind of confused, I went back to the trailer and started to drowse in a camping chair. About an hour later, a tall, skinny guy came up and asked "Are you Cherish Armstrong?"
I said yes and he led me under the announcer's booth for my reward. I figured it was going to be a hay bag or water bucket, but then he grabbed up a really nice head stall and said, "Here you go!" Over whelmed, I thanked him fervently and ran to go show it off to mom. You can probably guess how that went.
At Spinner's very first show, this is what he got me. As mom says, he's a Wonder Pony.
And this is what I got at the fair this year all together (I also got a silver meddle for my 4-H record book, but I get a meddle every year so I don't have a picture of it).