I finally cantered on Sam yesterday! Yeah it was on the longe and it was awkward unbalanced, clutching, tense, insert all the appropriate adjectives here... but I did it!
I have a hella time staying over my inside leg at the canter and Sam is one of those horses you have to direct every body part or he will trip over himself and fall over. (Well, not really, but he is still very unbalanced.) He also is very lazy and has to be kicked up to stay round and engaged even at the slower gaits. Nancy said I looked great so I must have done something right in there somewhere. Next step is to do this off the longe. It won't be long! Stay tuned for updates next week!
Here is a nice picture of Me riding Tacki and Sandra riding Sam.
We were doing some desensitizing work on this day... I have decided to take Tacki and Delight to a Jumping Show on Sat. It is a winter series put on by my trainer Nancy. NO I WON'T BE JUMPING! In fact will be riding in my tacky cordura western saddle. My Sexy Breeches should make things all better right?? Ha ha.
At the show the rounds are all timed and there is a certain target time put on each level. The goal is to finish in that amount of time with no faults. I will be in the class where you ride your horse through the course with all the rails down. There will be ground poles to ride over in each jump. I am taking Tacki for experience and Delight so that I will have one horse that I won't fall off of in front of everybody. Neither of them has even ever SEEN a jump course.
I know I am probably asking for trouble, but it should be fun and maybe another blow to my AOF. Sara Mittleider's parents will be there with some horses (Google her!) No I will not be intimidated at all... I will just enjoy being in their presence... I will enjoy... I will enjoy... and be in awe :)