My Partner is Delight

My Partner is Delight
Heading into the great unknown

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

AHHHH!!! He Did it Again!!

A snapshot from the production sale of 2007

Neil Hinck that is.

Neil is the founder of the Blazer Breed. His Blazer horse is a nice creation, and he did a good job of selective breeding for many years. But now he is old and ailing and lets just say that he hasn't been making the best of decisions concerning his horses, and concerning the budding Blazer Horse breed.

Last year when I got involved with our two Blazer Boys it was because I saw an ad for a "Production Sale" of more than 200 head of horses. I knew at the time this wasn't going to be a typical "production sale." With those numbers, how could it be? I went and visited the herd and, long story short, we wound up with Speedy and Spinner. Click on the label "Speedy and Spinner" below to read more of that story.

Recently I found out that this last summer Neil only had 3 or 4 babies born. A reasonable number. But then, he decided to put his favorite stallion out with the remaining mares. This Spring he will have a whooooole bunch of new babies in his field! All by the same stallion.

I have heard that he has gelded most of his stallion herd which is good news... but... still...all of those babies!

Here we go again!

It is so sad because there are some people out there who are promoting Blazers. They are doing some really great and responsible things to promote and save this gentle breed.

But then Neil does something like this and shoots all of their efforts in the foot. I don't think he even realizes that by flooding the market he is killing the value of all of the other horses... Not to mention that with herd numbers up again next winter, having to feed all of those weanlings...

Hoah Boy... will they go hungry? Will there be another "Production sale?" How many get to take the long trip to Canada this time?

Not my two. That's for sure.

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